Sunday, July 26, 2009

Facebook Friend

SO...have a lot that I want/need to write about, but I'm just not feelin' it tonight. SO it's gonna be semi-short. 2 things on my mind that I want to share tonight: 1. Had a wonderful weekend with some of my favorite people in the whole wide world (minus a few:)!!! I went to visit Mos, Krish, and Laura this weekend (and even got to have a surprise visit by Hennypenny). You ask what was so "wonderful" a/b the weekend?!? What were all the amazing things we did, places we went, etc...Would you believe me if I said nothing really. That's what made it so "wonderful." These are the type of friends that I could travel the world with and go and do (and often think a/b them wishing they were on every adventure with me) BUT more importantly these are the girls that I can just sit in the same room with and not utter a word (w/o it being the "awkward silence" that it is w/ most). We still have the best time (what a rare, sweet blessing)! They're my girls. LOVE them, and no matter how many precious new relationships/friends the Lord blesses me with NO ONE will EVER take their place (more like family)! As cheesy as this's really the only way I can try to convey what I'm feeling by using words/idea... feels like "going home" when I'm with them! You know what I mean!?! What a sweet blessing!

So after having a "going home" type of weekend, I must say it's been tough coming back today! Despite my love for Atlanta, getting 3 great frames for a penny at Aaron Brothers Penny Sale, having an awesome meeting with my mission group for my Africa trip (which has NOT hit me yet...haven't even really told people b/c it's that surreal), having a good workout, and coming home to a great roommate (Leslie...not my sis...Scrog:), I've been a little down (combo. of things- lots to think and pray a/b...BIG life decisions (that I'm not sure if I'm ready to make), reminiscing (maybe too much- hate how much I think...too bad I'm not impetuous), and not to mention me feeling hurt b/c Jarrod didn't even acknowledge me at the gym tonight...(not even a hey- was like we don't know each other- after investing 2 years of my life- yeah...maybe I told him to not contact me...but that makes it even worse that he's not (you know the whole thing that women say one thing and mean another- it's true...most of the time, guys). He just let it go, let us go, let me go...seems so easy for him
:(effortlessly...which hurts me more. I wish he would fight for me). about a reality check. Well, really didn't mean to be such a downer...guess you better "GET YOUR ARMOR...get your armor...GET YOUR ARMOR...get your armor...Why does LOVE have to be like a battlefield..." man, perfect transition, huh (that's for you, time...karaoke)! Ironically, that was going to be "the song" we were going to karaoke. We really were going out Saturday to perform that song live- ROCK-STYLE (would've been my 1st time ever karaoking), but because we are all so old now a days... that didn't happen. Let me tell you what did happen: we came home to try to wait till it got a bit later "to go out" (b/c you can't go too early), called a bunch of friends to get some more peeps to "go out" (boo on Brad H., Sarah, Clay, etc...for not encouraging this awesomeness)... Wahoo...You know the pre-party thang... let me tell was a PAR-TAY...yeah... few mins. into it... the par-tay turns into us sitting down, laying down (watching "So You Think You Can Dance"), and 11pm. all dead to the world...we're lame/ can say it...with the exception of Ryan Burton. He left with his head hanging...apparently, he's a stud soloist and lead singer for Jordin Sparks "Battlefield." Sorry Burton!

2. BUT since ya'll do not get to see us sing- I have something better to share. A video that I found and LOVE (maybe I can relate, hah)...made me laugh...hope you will too!
Kate Miller-Heidke sings hilarious song about old flames on Facebook. Warning: Rated-R for language (wish it wasn't that bad w/ the "F" word) Still a-mazing! Enjoy!


  1. This post cracked me up! I'm so sad karaoke didn't happen! We HAVE TO get our act together next time. Love you! Oh, and P.S... you also left your cute dress. Sad! I'll work on sending them your way.

  2. Oh, and why is this called "Facebook Friend?"

  3. Glad you laughed. The only thing that would make this post better
    would be a pic. of you ready to "go"/OUT...hah...wish I had time for sure on the karaoke! I'm bummed we didn't do it!
    Hate that I left my clothes-thanks for mailing them!:( Boo- I was alllll over the place w/ my stuff, hah...not surprising that I left 1/2 of my wardrobe there! La ps. "Facebook Friend"- did you watch the video- facebook friend request, hah
