Tuesday, July 14, 2009


I want to share my latest obsession with ya'll! So I live with 2 amazing girls- Leslie and Melody. Obviously being roommates we share a lot...from our hearts to bathrooms...to you guessed it...kitchen supplies! Let’s just be honest, I’m not the most domesticated woman, but if I’m going to use/want a certain appliance it’s going to prob. be something that most people would hold-off on (b/c it wouldn’t be the most practical). Well, I beg to differ- I think a blender is perfectly practical! I can think of plenty of things to use a blender for- a blender is way more practical to me then something like an everyday toaster. BUT to my disappointment neither of my roommates thought so (I couldn’t find one anywhere)...neither owned a blender (guess it wasn’t on the top of their list). After being somewhat let down that my roomies (who I thought might see eye to eye w/ me on this unspoken idealogy...b/c they’re not only practical but fun) seemed to agree with mainstream America on practicality...boo. So a few months ago, I was telling Mel how I felt like we needed a blender, and to my surprise she said, "no" because we already have something better...“What”?!?...the Magic-Bullet (btw she totally exceeded my expectations...this made her so much cooler in my book). Of course if your like me, your thinking right now...what is a Magic-Bullet? Well, I’m about to tell you...so get excited!

Product Promo: Magic-Bullet
I'm totally stealing this idea from Erin (so props to her). I know you've seen the goofy commercials or maybe you’ve heard about the Magic-Bullet from their cheesy website: The Magic Bullet The Magic Bullet is totally better than a bulky blender (easier to use, clean, and store)! It can be used as a food processor or it can make shakes and my favorite: smoothies (perfect for summertime)!!! The Magic Bullet is not only quick (saving you time) and easy, but it is also versatile. This really is something that you will want to use almost every single day (sometimes even several times a day). This product is AMAZING, and it's actually pretty fun too! I’ve heard there about $100.00, but I just did a google search for this product and this looks like a better deal (though honestly it’s worth $100.00...I would pay it...that’s how much I love this thing- it's well-worth the money), but why not save $ if you can)! SO...incase you too want this amazing product...which trust me...you do(promise you won't regret it- I mean come on...it even has an awesome name)! Here ya go: The Magic Bullet
I mean...just in the past 24hrs. I've already used this amazing little product twice! Last night I made some yummy margaritas for a few of my friends, and this morning I made a protein shake for me (trying to be bit healthier:) Talk a/b being practical (side note: I still haven't used the toaster)!!! So what are you waiting for?!? CALL NOW and buy your own Magic-Bullet today...call 1-800-3Bu-llet. Call TODAY! hahahh...no seriously though, try and tell me how you like it!


  1. WHAT THE HECK!!!!! How come I didn't know you had a blog until Erin told me tonight??? Yeah! :) LOVE AND MISS You. So you're coming in town this weekend or next? I'm THERE. Pool. Me. You. Erin. Some others maybe. I can't wait!

  2. I EMAILED you the link a few months ago!!! Where ya been!?!Hahhh...glad you read:) Love and miss you too! B-ham soon...lookin'like next weekend! Lovin' that pool idea! Can't wait!

  3. btw...I did not get paid anything for that post(despite what Jon thinks) BUT if you want to tell them a/b the plug i put in for them (so I can get paid)...I think that would be fabulous!
