Friday, October 16, 2009


Training Oct. 16th- Oct. 25th for the World Race!
"And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek him." Hebrews 11:6 Father, You are good! You are sovereign- I surrender to You! I go lifting up so many precious friends that are burdened. Your yoke is light- please draw near to them! Thank You for Your LOVE (Hosea:)

"Therefore I am now going to allure her;
I will lead her into the desert
and speak tenderly to her.

15 There I will give her back her vineyards,
and will make the Valley of Achor a door of hope.
There she will sing as in the days of her youth,
as in the day she came up out of Egypt.

16 "In that day," declares the LORD,
"you will call me 'my husband';
you will no longer call me 'my master. '

17 I will remove the names of the Baals from her lips;
no longer will their names be invoked.

18 In that day I will make a covenant for them
with the beasts of the field and the birds of the air
and the creatures that move along the ground.
Bow and sword and battle
I will abolish from the land,
so that all may lie down in safety.

19 I will betroth you to Me forever;
I will betroth you in righteousness and justice,
in love and compassion.

20 I will betroth you in faithfulness,
and you will acknowledge the LORD.

Go praying! Love ya'll!

Sunday, October 4, 2009


Spoke with a lady on Friday who called to share some great news...that's right...I got it!!! They want me to go! Celebrated, said great now I was a for sure yes...where do I sign...then realized wait...I still need to pray a/b this HUGE decision! I totally ruined the moment by saying can I still have a few more days to pray a/b this but she said, "of course and I didn't ruin it. It was my moment anyways." Somewhat funny, honestly I guess I was just shocked for the green light again (maybe secretly I've been looking for a red light). So there ya go...please continue to pray with me on this (esp. the next few days, considering I have to make a decision as soon as possible- the ball's in my court now).

There is a verse the Lord has given me multiple times the past couple of weeks that I want to share with you. "Go therefore and make disciples of ALL nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." Matthew 28:19 He has reminded me that He commands us all to "go." They were called to leave their homes and comforts and follow Him. It's almost more like we need His permission to stay. Guess, I'm asking for permission to stay (b/c there is a cost)?!? In Luke 9:57- 62 Jesus instructed those that wanted to be His disciples to drop everything and go and follow Him. He didn't instruct them to get everything in order 1st, to care for their relationships 1st, and He definitely didn't give the details of what they would be doing or what would happen in the future. He said follow me. Matthew 6:33- seek ME 1st! hmmm...I truly do desire in my heart of hearts to be willing to lay EVERYTHING down before Him, but man is it hard!

Excited, scared, overwhelmed, etc...,

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Sorry it's been forever! Truly do have sooooo much to update/tell ya'll a/b but have not have the time lately and sadly enough this is not going to be one of those catch up posts! Just wanted to say hey and let you know I'm still alive. I took a vacation day from work today to pray and search the Lord a/b a LOT of different things going on in my life. I want to share a little with ya'll so you can join me in prayer (if you would:) This has not been common knowledge (honestly, I can count on 2 hands the ppl. that know- so don't feel left out:) If you're reading this right now...consider yourself privileged (only a few of my close friends even know a/b this blog:) NO worries...not engaged or anything!!! (that would require a boyfriend 1st:) BUT I am praying a/b a HUGE life decision. Brief version:
Last Thursday I had an hour 1/2 phone interview about going onto the mission field for the next year! It's an 11 month program with a branch of AIM called the World Race. If I go, a few facts: I would have to raise over $15, 000.00 in support in the next 3 months (will need your help in telling ppl./getting support if I go- this is def. God-sized challenge), would require me to quite my "good" job (where really I'm content & in this kind of economy) and leave in January!!! Crazy, I know!!! Right now I'm really struggling with a lot of fears, doubt, etc... but ultimately I want to trust the Lord and be willing to lay everything down and go if He calls me. I know some of you are prob. thinking...what...where is this coming from!?! It's definitely not a decision I take lightly at ALL...and definitely not impetuous! This has been on my heart for the past 7 months and something I've been considering and started praying a/b when I couldn't shake the idea. For the past 2 years the Lord has been growing and stirring something inside of me. Since my 1st overseas mission trip in September of last year (Budapest, Hungary) the Lord has really been growing this desire in my heart for other cultures/missions. There is A LOT more to say about all of this, but I've got to keep it short for now. Just wanted ya'll to know what's going on with me (esp. if you haven't heard from me in a while- sorry- there's been a lot on my mind/going on in my life), but know it's not because I don't love or care about you! Seriously! ALL this to be said...I might hear back from the W.R. this week or next and they could def. say I'm not even accepted, but if I am then I have to make the call. I'm really praying if the Lord doesn't want me to go He will just let them say, "no" because right now my heart is truly split. Please go to the Father with me and pray for discernment, His will, faith, etc.... I told God that if He put something in my lap and I had a desire for it (job wise esp:) I would step thru (and I have w/ another job opportunity working with high school girls, but have been scared to step thru this door...but I have). Please join me in praying! ya'll!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Home Sweet Home

just got home from Kenya a few hrs. ago (24 hrs.= 1 day of traveling/pure flying) Already miss it, but glad to be home. GOD should Himself in a mighty way! ...AMAZED! Lord, keep my focus on You! a/b to go to drug myself or not... that is the going on over 48 hrs. of no sleep.

Sunday, August 23, 2009


1st off sorry a/b the semi-melt down the other night (almost didn't write exactly how I was feeling b/c I felt a little stupid/vulnerable but then I thought no...just be's okay. God can break down walls bt/wn people and bring true healing, fellowship, etc. by being transparent, and that's what I want (you never know how the Lord my use diff. situations/struggles/etc. for you or others) His ways are not my ways.- prob. didn't make sense anyways- I feel like my mind has been like a pinball machine lately). I haven't even been able to get excited b/c I've been that busy- (exhausted...just want to sleep for a day) BUT at least now I can get excited a/b the trip- yay!!! Praise the LORD that I made it thru the week- talk a/b a rough week AND work- out of control! Pretty sure I worked enough over time to make up for the 2 weeks I'll be gone (no seriously)! I finally can THINK a/b the trip- can't believe I leave tomorrow!
This whole thing is surreal! AFRICA in the morning- for 2 weeks!!!! Well, this is going to be SUPER short but just wanted to say bye or "kwa heri" since I'll be out of pocket for a bit! Please keep me, my team, and the Kenyan people in your prayers. Pray that the Lord goes before us (paves the way, prepares hearts, etc). Can't wait to see what He does b/c goodness knows this week was___,yeah, you know...minus a fabulous night last night with some of my favorite girls (which I will have to tell you a/b when I get back and really have time to blog:) I know He's going to move- I can feel it (esp. considering the leading up to this trip and how tough, crazy, etc...things got. Thinking a/b going to serve the Lord in a different country- no distractions-mmm! Few closing thoughts: Please pray the Lord speaks to me a/b one thing specifically (personal). Pray for His LOVE to be shown and draw people to Him (so they too can experience Him and have eternal life). Pray that we encourage. Pray for His will to be done. Etc...covet your prayers! Prayer is our power source! Rom. 8:26-27

God of Justice, Saviour to all

Came to rescue the weak and the poor
Chose to serve and not be served

Jesus, You have called us
Freely we’ve received
Now freely we will give

We must go live to feed the hungry
Stand beside the broken
We must go
Stepping forward keep us from just singing
Move us into action
We must go

To act justly everyday
Loving mercy in every way
Walking humbly before You God

You have shown us, what You require
Freely we’ve received
Now freely we will give

We must go live to feed the hungry

Stand beside the broken
We must go
Stepping forward keep us from just singing
Move us into action
We must go

Fill us up and send us out
Fill us up and send us out
Fill us up and send us out Lord (x4)

Acting humbly
Loving mercy
We must go, we must go
To the broken
And the hurting
We must go, we must go

We must go live to feed the hungry
Stand beside the broken
We must go
Stepping forward keep us from just singing
Move us into action

Faith is action! Got to go pack!!!!! Night!

Friday, August 21, 2009


Just got home from work a/b 30 mins. ago (yes, it is 11:15p.m. on a Friday- does that give you a hint as to how my day/week has been!?!)...didn't get to eat dinner and still have to go back into the office tomorrow to tie up some lose ends after my 8a.m. meeting for Kenya...under so much spiritual warfare the past 2 weeks it's unreal! If anyone reads this- don't worry about me (i'm okay...though a little emotional...just need your prayers- please)...just spent and still have SO much to do in these next 2 days to try to prepare...some tid bits and thoughts that are bouncing around in my head right now...sorry just have to clear my mind before I go to much stuff:
40 minutes ago from web
just got home from work-exhausted! This week has murdered me (finishing up christmas packets & everything else- pulled in every direction)!
Icon_lockhelped Munson w/ the gallery (nice) STILL, SOOOO much to do before I leave for Africa Mon! Under a lot of spiritual warfare- big time- tough!
Icon_lock& to top it off i miss my friend:(heartbroken). love him- y can't he love me and come after me- I prayed that the LORD would have all of me
Icon_lockand that i wouldn't be distracted & fall in love w/ YOU...but seriously, God...did you have to take the one thing I wanted and loved away
Icon_locky couldn't I have both- wish i understood- struggling with trust and faith...guess my faith is becoming my own- I will still bless YOUR name
"YOU give and take away, YOU give and take away, my heart will CHOOSE to say, LORD blessed me YOUR name"-mmmm....

Another early morning- last meeting for Kenya 8a.m.-10:30a.m., work, pack, and get to spend some sweet time with some precious friends (Hen, Mos, Abby, and Krish)tomorrow night...very much needed! Sleep. Thank you, Lord for the rain (love falling to sleep listening to rain).

Thursday, August 20, 2009


I'm exhausted- so this will prob. be pretty short, BUT I wanted to give ya'll a quick vip update (hope to give more details later, but at this point not sure that's gonna we're going with the basics:). I've been meaning to email ya'll but with all the 13 hr. work days, etc...trying to get ready for this trip it just hasn't happened (CRAZY has been out of control...thought I'd have more time...yeah...not so much). SO the big news, I'm leaving for a Mission Trip to Kenya thru JFBC August 24 –September 3, 2009! Here's a little info. about it:

Team Members:

Lawrence Benson

Brian Fox (Leader)

Iraj Ghanouni

John Herzer

Bill Marsh

Lauren Sims

Glen Taylor

Judy Taylor

I'm the youngest one. Brian Fox is the closest to my age at 38:) Most are over the age of 50 and married...really didn't think this was the trip I was suppose to go on...BUT the Lord thought otherwise...should be neat to see what He's going to do!

Few Of The Activities We Will Be Doing:

•Conducting two medical clinics

•Leading Men’s and Women’s Conferences (extra prayers- I'll be speaking for part of it- over an hour- feel very unprepared, nervous, and inadequate- will be over 120 Kenyan woman there- pray the Lord gives me the words to say & speaks thru me)

•Leading Marriage Conference (ironic...yeah...hahah...still waiting on my rock... was thinking what do i have to offer...really felt like this wasn't the trip for me and in the meeting when that thought 1st ran thru my mind...Wayne W. the original trip leader stopped in the middle of the meeting and what he was saying and said, "Lauren you will be PERFECT for this trip. The young girls at First Love International are going to LOVE you:) the Lord affirmed me quick, hah

•Visiting Kibera and Nakuru Reserve

•Speaking at local churches in Nakuru

Prayer Requests:

  • battling spiritual warfare (esp. this week- everything that could be thrown at me- physically, emotionally, spiritually, work, personal, etc...everything that could happen has)- guess the Lord is really going to move
  • prepare the Kenyan's hearts
  • personal request- might share later- but that the Lord will speak to me on this trip (w/o distractions) direct me & make it clear

–That we will…

be spiritually prepared and will submit to God’s leadership

• focus on God’s agenda, allowing the Holy Spirit to lead us

• be filled with God’s love & compassion, and that it shows to Kenyans and each other

• have safe travels and that those around us see Christ through our actions an words

• follow God’s leading as we try to disciple those precious men and women at the conferences

• minister to the sick children and adults to help them physically and spiritually

• be guided to worship at the churches where we can best minister and encourage

• function as a Christ-centered team

• be safe and healthy for the whole trip

Scriptural Encouragements:

• Romans 1:16, “For I am not ashamed of the

gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to

salvation for everyone who believes, for the

Jews first and also for the Greek.”

• Colossians 3:23, “Whatever you do, work at it

with all of your heart, as working for the Lord,

not for men…”

• Hebrews 10:24-25, “And let us consider one

another in order to stir up love and good

works, not forsaking the assembling of

yourselves together, as is the manner of

some, but exhorting one another, and so much

the more as you see the Day approaching.”

SORRY I haven't gotten to write a/b this before now:(just ran out of time:) I'm SUPER excited!!! Glad I finally got to share with ya'll!

2128 Hemingway Lane

Roswell, Ga 30075 (for those of you that said you wanted to support me's not too late:) Please keep us in your prayers!THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT! Looking forward to what the Lord will do!!! La

Saturday, August 8, 2009


That's right...I made my 1st EVER "big girl" purchase ( my bedroom furniture right after college:) AND I'm typing on it right now!!!!!! I knew this was the right purchase when I would get on my computer at home the past couple of months and do "command/apple + C" or some kind of Apple command trying to copy, cut, and paste real quick and then get mad when my 6 yr. old HP Pavilion f70 wouldn't perform! I do want to say my HP is still kicking, and it has been a GREAT computer! It's slowing down...but come on...6 years in computer world is a long's like "dog years"...they age a lot faster than us! It's been thru college starting with freshman year, move from Auburn to ATL (well over 8 moves for that matter), transition into the adult/working world,'s seen a lot! SO here's to my old HP- thanks for the shared memories (over the past almost 7 years)! AND no worries- he will be getting a good home- I'm donating him to the Rally Foundation For ChildHood Cancer Research- an amazing non-profit organization that I volunteer with randomly throughout the year- check it out: 
Really timing and everything was kind of a God email below (from one of my friends that works there): 
From: Nicole Chitty 
Date: Tue, 4 Aug 2009 13:00:18 -0400
To: Lauren Sims <Lauren.Sims@JFBC.ORG>
Conversation: Volunteering at the Benefit Bash
Subject: RE: Volunteering at the Benefit Bash

Perfect timing!! Rally does need a computer!! We had one of our interns computers crash this week and were just praying someone could donate one, this is perfect. What kind of computer is it? How could I get it from you? I can have our computer guy erase your personal stuff off of there… sweet!
You do need to come see our new place. What are you doing this weekend? Steven is gone on a fishing trip with my dad… want to have a sleepover at my place?

Rally On,
Nicole Shropshire Chitty 
Community Development Manager 
Rally Foundation For Childhood Cancer Research
CLICK HERE org/blog/>  to Follow Rally's Blog 
So he has a good home where he will be helping with a good cause (which makes me happy). I think working in the Worship & Arts Dept. (3rd floor clan) at JFBC for the past 2 years, has ruined me for life! We all use Macs (except for sweet Lynn)- and I'm use to "command apple whatever" working-quick and easy. Guess I was spoiled with a Mac at work!?! So I caved- bought my 1st computer!!! ..."Pause"...tearing up watching the end of "Man on Fire."...k..."Play"...sorry...haha...this could be dangerous (but see this is what I love a/b and blogging- you can do 2 or more things at once...multi-tasking! My poor readers- it's prob. going to be even harder to follow my train of thought...with all these distractions,ha...i'll try to focus for your sake...well...unless I get bored;) ...k, focus...back to the subject at hand...I am SOOOOO excited! I bought a cute little white MacBook (all by myself)! SO empowering!!! AND I LOVE it- so great having a laptop (versatile)! Here's what I got:  
13-inch MacBook 
2.13 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo 
2GB DDR2 Memory 160GB hard drive 
NVIDIA GeForce 9400M graphics 
White polycarbonate shell 
I bought it refurbished and on the tax-free weekend-got everything for $898.00- Mac laptop, cool case, and free shipping!!! Gah, I'm good!!! Super EXCITED! Who knows...maybe this will inspire me to blog more often...since I won't be stuck sitting at a desk (you could def. be getting more insight into my life:) SO there ya go- just super pumped a/b my "big girl" purchase (so weird- don't feel old enough to make these kind of decisions on my own- just life-ya know!?!)!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Facebook Friend

SO...have a lot that I want/need to write about, but I'm just not feelin' it tonight. SO it's gonna be semi-short. 2 things on my mind that I want to share tonight: 1. Had a wonderful weekend with some of my favorite people in the whole wide world (minus a few:)!!! I went to visit Mos, Krish, and Laura this weekend (and even got to have a surprise visit by Hennypenny). You ask what was so "wonderful" a/b the weekend?!? What were all the amazing things we did, places we went, etc...Would you believe me if I said nothing really. That's what made it so "wonderful." These are the type of friends that I could travel the world with and go and do (and often think a/b them wishing they were on every adventure with me) BUT more importantly these are the girls that I can just sit in the same room with and not utter a word (w/o it being the "awkward silence" that it is w/ most). We still have the best time (what a rare, sweet blessing)! They're my girls. LOVE them, and no matter how many precious new relationships/friends the Lord blesses me with NO ONE will EVER take their place (more like family)! As cheesy as this's really the only way I can try to convey what I'm feeling by using words/idea... feels like "going home" when I'm with them! You know what I mean!?! What a sweet blessing!

So after having a "going home" type of weekend, I must say it's been tough coming back today! Despite my love for Atlanta, getting 3 great frames for a penny at Aaron Brothers Penny Sale, having an awesome meeting with my mission group for my Africa trip (which has NOT hit me yet...haven't even really told people b/c it's that surreal), having a good workout, and coming home to a great roommate (Leslie...not my sis...Scrog:), I've been a little down (combo. of things- lots to think and pray a/b...BIG life decisions (that I'm not sure if I'm ready to make), reminiscing (maybe too much- hate how much I think...too bad I'm not impetuous), and not to mention me feeling hurt b/c Jarrod didn't even acknowledge me at the gym tonight...(not even a hey- was like we don't know each other- after investing 2 years of my life- yeah...maybe I told him to not contact me...but that makes it even worse that he's not (you know the whole thing that women say one thing and mean another- it's true...most of the time, guys). He just let it go, let us go, let me go...seems so easy for him
:(effortlessly...which hurts me more. I wish he would fight for me). about a reality check. Well, really didn't mean to be such a downer...guess you better "GET YOUR ARMOR...get your armor...GET YOUR ARMOR...get your armor...Why does LOVE have to be like a battlefield..." man, perfect transition, huh (that's for you, time...karaoke)! Ironically, that was going to be "the song" we were going to karaoke. We really were going out Saturday to perform that song live- ROCK-STYLE (would've been my 1st time ever karaoking), but because we are all so old now a days... that didn't happen. Let me tell you what did happen: we came home to try to wait till it got a bit later "to go out" (b/c you can't go too early), called a bunch of friends to get some more peeps to "go out" (boo on Brad H., Sarah, Clay, etc...for not encouraging this awesomeness)... Wahoo...You know the pre-party thang... let me tell was a PAR-TAY...yeah... few mins. into it... the par-tay turns into us sitting down, laying down (watching "So You Think You Can Dance"), and 11pm. all dead to the world...we're lame/ can say it...with the exception of Ryan Burton. He left with his head hanging...apparently, he's a stud soloist and lead singer for Jordin Sparks "Battlefield." Sorry Burton!

2. BUT since ya'll do not get to see us sing- I have something better to share. A video that I found and LOVE (maybe I can relate, hah)...made me laugh...hope you will too!
Kate Miller-Heidke sings hilarious song about old flames on Facebook. Warning: Rated-R for language (wish it wasn't that bad w/ the "F" word) Still a-mazing! Enjoy!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


I want to share my latest obsession with ya'll! So I live with 2 amazing girls- Leslie and Melody. Obviously being roommates we share a lot...from our hearts to you guessed supplies! Let’s just be honest, I’m not the most domesticated woman, but if I’m going to use/want a certain appliance it’s going to prob. be something that most people would hold-off on (b/c it wouldn’t be the most practical). Well, I beg to differ- I think a blender is perfectly practical! I can think of plenty of things to use a blender for- a blender is way more practical to me then something like an everyday toaster. BUT to my disappointment neither of my roommates thought so (I couldn’t find one anywhere)...neither owned a blender (guess it wasn’t on the top of their list). After being somewhat let down that my roomies (who I thought might see eye to eye w/ me on this unspoken idealogy...b/c they’re not only practical but fun) seemed to agree with mainstream America on So a few months ago, I was telling Mel how I felt like we needed a blender, and to my surprise she said, "no" because we already have something better...“What”?!?...the Magic-Bullet (btw she totally exceeded my expectations...this made her so much cooler in my book). Of course if your like me, your thinking right now...what is a Magic-Bullet? Well, I’m about to tell get excited!

Product Promo: Magic-Bullet
I'm totally stealing this idea from Erin (so props to her). I know you've seen the goofy commercials or maybe you’ve heard about the Magic-Bullet from their cheesy website: The Magic Bullet The Magic Bullet is totally better than a bulky blender (easier to use, clean, and store)! It can be used as a food processor or it can make shakes and my favorite: smoothies (perfect for summertime)!!! The Magic Bullet is not only quick (saving you time) and easy, but it is also versatile. This really is something that you will want to use almost every single day (sometimes even several times a day). This product is AMAZING, and it's actually pretty fun too! I’ve heard there about $100.00, but I just did a google search for this product and this looks like a better deal (though honestly it’s worth $100.00...I would pay it...that’s how much I love this thing- it's well-worth the money), but why not save $ if you can)! SO...incase you too want this amazing product...which trust do(promise you won't regret it- I mean come even has an awesome name)! Here ya go: The Magic Bullet
I mean...just in the past 24hrs. I've already used this amazing little product twice! Last night I made some yummy margaritas for a few of my friends, and this morning I made a protein shake for me (trying to be bit healthier:) Talk a/b being practical (side note: I still haven't used the toaster)!!! So what are you waiting for?!? CALL NOW and buy your own Magic-Bullet 1-800-3Bu-llet. Call TODAY! seriously though, try and tell me how you like it!

Monday, July 13, 2009

From The Inside Out

Music speaks to my soul! I can already warn you that there will be times when I just post lyrics. Occasionally, merely for the words and other times/most of the time for the song itself. Either way I'll post songs/lyrics that speak to me in some way (whether that be serious or just for fun)...some of which I may comment/explain why it means something to me and others that I may let you be curious about or just enjoy- prob. go with this method the most:) I find music can express emotions, thoughts, feelings, etc...that fails when human language attempts to relate the ineffable in life. So listen:)

Hillsong United lyrics - From The Inside Out

album: United We Stand (2006)

A thousand times I've failed
Still your mercy remains
And should I stumble again
Still I'm caught in your grace

Everlasting, Your light will shine when all else fades
Never ending, Your glory goes beyond all fame
my heart and my soul, Lord I give you control
Consume me from the inside out Lord
Let justice and praise become my embrace
To love You from the inside out

Your will above all else, my purpose remains
The art of losing myself in bringing you praise

Everlasting, Your light will shine when all else fades
Never ending, Your glory goes beyond all fame
In my heart, in my soul, Lord I give you control
Consume me from the inside out Lord
Let justice and praise become my embrace
To love You from the inside out

Chorus 2x
Everlasting, Your light will shine when all else fades
Never ending, Your glory goes beyond all fame
And the cry of my heart is to bring You praise
From the inside out Lord, my soul cries out

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Finalllllly Up and Running Again

So...after going 3 months w/o cable and internet we're finally up and running again. I'm super pumped b/c I can finally get some personal business taken care of (okay really...maybe business is the wrong word to is more like it...mostly on stuff that I can't do at work...upload pics., facebook, research, blog, etc:) Let me just tell you, my roommates and I have been jumping thru hoops the past 3mos. trying to get Charter to fix our phone, cable, internet...basically our lifeline to the outside world. We've all spoken to multiple people, Charter came out more than 3 times...not to mention the times they were suppose to come and never showed...leaving me waiting. I know your thinking...why didn't you take care of it 3 mos. ago...b/c it's hard w/ so many people involved and repeats, I was trying to be patient and understanding...which I feel like I really was considerate and very patient prob. too much so. BUT yesterday I just had become re-dunk-culous. Don't want to go into all this too much b/c it literally could be a post worth on it's have no clue...that bad...BUT I finally took charge, got over being polite and nice, and called this past Sat. and spoke with the higher ups. Said a bunch but the basics were such, "I don't care what you have to do, but you will come out and fix our problem today." I was tough. No worries, didn't want to hurt my witness to whoever I was talking to/felt sorry for the poor soul that had to take that call BUT I made sure to express my many thoughts/feelings and stand up for us...pretty sure this won't happen again. I really think a few of the people thought 3 sweet, young girls... we can take advantage of...think again!!! Wahoo... woman hear me roar, hahah, totally j/k, but seriously pretty sure they won't mess w/ us again! Ahhh...told you I could just get going on this- k, I'm stopping...obviously Charter has really gotten to me.

Change of subject/moving on: Shockingly, I'm normally all a/b disconnecting-just live life! It's vital to disconnect...we weren't meant to be always hooked up to the world. Though I am a big advocate for communicating and utilizing these technology tools. It's important to be relational and to be connected with people, but nothing takes the place of face time! Phone calls, texting, emails, blogs, g-chat, twitting, etc...whatever it was meant to enhance our communication skills which it has, but it's also taken away from us too! I think it's important and healthy and also very unlikely in the world we live in today: to unplug. You have to really make sure you take time just to BE STILL (sometimes those are the moments we grow the most in...when we stop keeping up and running. With just touching the surface of that a little a's good to have a balance. All that being said I was mainly frustrated with our internet not working for the mere fact that I finally wanted to blog and couldn't...frustrating! Isn't it funny? The things we miss the most are many times the things we expect to miss the least (isn't it true...esp. in relationships)? So I'm just excited to blog. I have a lot racing around in my mind, and I'm looking forward to getting some of it out on a page. Sometimes it will be funny, serious, random, heartfelt, my deepest thoughts, things I've learned, dreams, heartaches, just get ready. This is a journey we're about to embark!

Please be in prayer for me too- I've experienced a lot of hurt in my 25 yrs. of living which sometimes can make me a little reserved & to myself (fearful...the enemy tries to use that to tie me up). I hesitate sharing and can put up walls only letting a select few know me, and they still don't know all of me b/c i don't even:) Either way normally they have to pass a few "tests" some of which I'm aware and some of which I am still unaware. Sounds horrible doesn't it...I test people...just fear:( I'm only beginning to see these tests, etc. the more I grow and get to know who I am). The rest see only what I show- certain little parts of me. Sadly, I've really just noticed this a/b myself recently...really stood out vividly in one relationship particularly...with someone that I knew, loved, and invested in so much for the past 2 years. Someone who I hoped knew and loved me (should've at least known me)...come to find out they didn't know me at all (after spending much quality time together)...breaks my heart he didn't even begin to scratch the surface...and I guess didn't want to...though prob. would say he knows me well...I didn't realize the full extent of this reality till a recent conversation (hate feeling so misrepresented/misunderstood)...not trying to go deep in that it could be a novel, but all of that said...I've learned a little more a/b myself. I don't really let people in till they prove themselves (which is good and bad)! In this case he didn't scale the walls of my heart to see what was inside (just stood down below thinking he could see every block and crack and crevasse and really assess if it was worth the climb (if I was worth it)...making the wrong judgement call never to try and climb...little did he know the view and life from the top was so much better then the view from where he stood). I guess some of that is my fault too for putting up too many walls/tests, but i want someone who is going to fight for my heart and me...don't want it to be easy b/c I'm not easy... I want someone I can trust...someone who's not just going to bail...someone who will stick it out for the bad and really take in and love the good and amazing times! Hahhh...that should be it's own post...I could type alot. All that said...I have many layers...some things will surprise you.

The thought of being so real and vulnerable anywhere even on a blog scares me a bit, but I feel like the Lord wants to use me in this way too. I know the Lord has and will use this to glorify Him- I just have to be transparent and real. Pray for the Lord's protection b/c the enemy really grades on my mind and many times uses fear with me (I'm hoping to not think a/b people reading or not and just be me...real and honest...though sometimes that vulnerability scares me). This is just another tool that can help me (and others) grow to the woman (people) the Lord has called me (us) to be by becoming more balanced spiritually, emotionally, physically, intellectually. Lord, please take any fears of being vulnerable and getting hurt again away (any hurt is worth taking for Your Kingdom- if it will minister and love people and show them You). Help me to be transparent and let my words minister by letting someone know that someone else has been there too (relate...destroying the enemy's plan for us to feel isolated and alone), uplift spirits by laughing, bring joy by reading Your word or praising You, or just using whatever however You see fit. I am Your vessel! Amen. This really is a journey-glad your joining me:)

Friday, June 12, 2009

Happy Birthday, Mom!!!

Mom & I in Charleston-'07
After I graduated from Auburn (a little old but I don't think you would've liked the newer ones I had and this is 1 of my favs:)!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I hope you know how thankful I am to be your daughter. I can't imagine having a better mom (despite what you sometimes think:) I don't know what I'd do without you! Love you SOOOOOO much!!! Hope you have a wonderful birthday- wish I was with you! Beach trip soon to celebrate (overdue)?!? Pleaseeeeeeee DESTIN (you know it's prettier...though I do think maybe you've forgotten. Trip refreash you memory?!?:)

Love your favorite child,

ps. Love you more!

Thursday, June 11, 2009


SO…I’ve decided to start a blog... again (for diff. reasons though)! I can’t promise I will update all the time-I really am going to try to update quite often (you might even get sick of it at times:) My main reason for starting this is for a few dear friends (scattered all over the place) that have been begging me to do this for a while now. It's important to communicate and show people that you care (I know not being a "talker" by phone at least...that you may think I don't care sometimes...that's a lie... from the Devil:)'s NOTHING personal...I'm even that way with my own family...ask them...they'll be the 1st to tell you...quick...hahah)! I want ya'll to be apart of my every day life (since we don’t get a chance to always talk on a regular basis, and the fact that when I do/could call…I don’t b/c I have gotten were I hate talking on the phone after I’ve been working and talking to people all day…wears me out…just need a break and time to just LIVE life (not just retell it:). Who knows...maybe this could even be theraputic and fun. I think this is a wonderful, creative way that I can share with my family and friends that I love and cherish so much!

This 1st post isn’t very long…so…to make it long (hahha...had to...come's my 1st post)! It would NOT seem like me if I didn't make it ridiculously long and least for the 1st one! Oh and no worries...even if it's not wordy and long there will always be "ellipsis" and "(with inner thoughts or tagged on last min. tid-bits)" used grammatically incorrect. Though I do want to clarify that I am aware of my incorrect usage, and I am choosing to do so...not an idiot...actually love correct grammar...a quirky/dorky fact a/b me...really a pet-peeve of mine (had a great English teacher in high school...Dr. Andersen...drove me to become a little ocd w/ it) MOST cases, hah. Guess I just get annoyed when people make "stupid" mistakes (alot)...we all do...and no worries...I'm gracious (but I do like correct grammer over ALL and educated's important to be well-educated:) WOW that was a long tangent to get off on...sorry...all of that to be said the "()" and the "..." is so you'll feel like your talking to me:)

I also thought adding an old post that never made it to an actual post (getting confusing, right?!? Yes...that's the point)would add a little personality/uniqueness. I know...had to be different...your right (felt like it was a creative thought). The post below is what was originally going to be my 1st post a few months ago when I was considering picking up blogging again (prob. written last August...found it on my computer while typing this). I had already begun on my 1st entry so for your viewing pleasure (instead of just deleting it) and really just to announce that I’m joining the blogger world again here ya go...nothing too spectacular but a good distraction from whatever it is your trying to get distracted from:)

"Well, about 2 weeks ago Jenny and I were having a roommate bonding night which usually consists of dinner, talking for hours a/b life, and a lot of laughing! Oh, and of course, since I live with Jenny Rutherford…no night would be complete without a little something sweet…dessert! At some point we had gotten off the subject…you know one of the many loops…this time on the random/dorky subject of blogs. Jenny has really gotten into reading other people’s blogs while at work to help pass the time, and though I rarely have enough time to finish work and don’t get a chance to read blogs during work (due to the fact that Sunday always comes☺). I love to read them when I have the opportunity.

Whether it’s the fact that we have too much free time on our hands or maybe not enough time…and reading blogs are the perfect form of procrastination/escape from reality and the 50 million things that you need, could, should, or not to mention the things you want to do in your spare time, or is it that we are fascinated by other people’s lives ( not only that but in my case…love really getting to know people…really knowing them…knowing their hearts)! Whatever the case, blogs are intriguing to me. I don’t know- there is something special about reading someone’s thoughts and being able to relate (whether you know the person or not…laughing, crying, learning something new, or my favorite…when you’re challenged to be a better person just because of something you read)! All that to be said, talking about this subject matter and actually looking at some of Jenny’s favorite blogs, it hit me…I have a blog. It was something I started in college. I only wrote in it a few times (b/c typically that is not me to journal or blog- prob. b/c I’m detail-oriented and would rather tell you about something play by play rather than putting it into writing since it takes so much longer to write/type out. I would get frustrated and either not write or skip details which I felt made the story more intricate and heartfelt; henceforth, why I only wrote a handful of times)- I just wanted to try having one since so many friends had them. So…we started googling anything I could think of to find this old blog. I was sure it was long gone (either deleted by me a long time ago or lost somewhere out there in cyber-space b/c I had no recollection of the title and really no way of finding it), but to my surprise after racking my brain and googling enough words and phrases, we found it! The blog dated back to 2005. It was so fun to go back and read (very neat to see what was going on then, how things change, how I’ve grown, and just to laugh at myself. Some of the post were serious and some just humorous." That's it...don't think I finished it...kind of an abrupt ending, there ya go! I’ll try to figure out a way to post my old one in here…for those of you that are reallllllllllly bored at work!

Now that this is incredibly, out of control too long (if you're still reading reallllllllllllly do have no life, hahah...j/k...props...must be super bored or trying to take procrastination to a whole new level...either way...CONGRATULATIONS...I think you may have even beaten me! I commend you...seriously...proud of you...let me know who you are:)... So for the MAYBE one person that made it this far you will prob. be one of the only one's to actually know what's going on in my life...I really do have 2 more important things to say (most of this was fluff and I promise they normally won't be like this (i wouldn't last a week)...i'm even bored, haha...but I was curious if anyone would read this whole thing...hah...BUT...for real now;) 1st shout out to Mos for helping/basically setting up my new blog! Thank you- you are the BEST!!! LOVE YOU!

Ta-da!!! Enjoy!

ps. 2nd...this just came in...literally...Great dad's girlfriend Lynn just called (literally just got off the phone w/ her right before I was a/b to post this). She told me...okay...maybe I sort of tugged it out of her, Dad. It was just too easy and inviting when she said that they couldn't wait till dinner next Tue. to talk to me...b/c "they had some news to tell me:)
You guessed it! They are getting married!!!! So yay! Here's to Lynn and Dad! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! More to come after I get to talk to Dad...but I've been told to put July 11th down...did I mention heard in next month! Crazy! AND people wonder were I get my "let's just do it" motto from:) SO happy for ya'll! Love you both! Congrats!