Spoke with a lady on Friday who called to share some great news...that's right...I got it!!! They want me to go! Celebrated, said great now what...like I was a for sure yes...where do I sign...then realized wait...I still need to pray a/b this HUGE decision! I totally ruined the moment by saying can I still have a few more days to pray a/b this but she said, "of course and I didn't ruin it. It was my moment anyways." Somewhat funny, honestly I guess I was just shocked for the green light again (maybe secretly I've been looking for a red light). So there ya go...please continue to pray with me on this (esp. the next few days, considering I have to make a decision as soon as possible- the ball's in my court now).
There is a verse the Lord has given me multiple times the past couple of weeks that I want to share with you. "Go therefore and make disciples of ALL nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." Matthew 28:19 He has reminded me that He commands us all to "go." They were called to leave their homes and comforts and follow Him. It's almost more like we need His permission to stay. Guess, I'm asking for permission to stay (b/c there is a cost)?!? In Luke 9:57- 62 Jesus instructed those that wanted to be His disciples to drop everything and go and follow Him. He didn't instruct them to get everything in order 1st, to care for their relationships 1st, and He definitely didn't give the details of what they would be doing or what would happen in the future. He said follow me. Matthew 6:33- seek ME 1st! hmmm...I truly do desire in my heart of hearts to be willing to lay EVERYTHING down before Him, but man is it hard!
Excited, scared, overwhelmed, etc...,