Friday, June 12, 2009

Happy Birthday, Mom!!!

Mom & I in Charleston-'07
After I graduated from Auburn (a little old but I don't think you would've liked the newer ones I had and this is 1 of my favs:)!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I hope you know how thankful I am to be your daughter. I can't imagine having a better mom (despite what you sometimes think:) I don't know what I'd do without you! Love you SOOOOOO much!!! Hope you have a wonderful birthday- wish I was with you! Beach trip soon to celebrate (overdue)?!? Pleaseeeeeeee DESTIN (you know it's prettier...though I do think maybe you've forgotten. Trip refreash you memory?!?:)

Love your favorite child,

ps. Love you more!

Thursday, June 11, 2009


SO…I’ve decided to start a blog... again (for diff. reasons though)! I can’t promise I will update all the time-I really am going to try to update quite often (you might even get sick of it at times:) My main reason for starting this is for a few dear friends (scattered all over the place) that have been begging me to do this for a while now. It's important to communicate and show people that you care (I know not being a "talker" by phone at least...that you may think I don't care sometimes...that's a lie... from the Devil:)'s NOTHING personal...I'm even that way with my own family...ask them...they'll be the 1st to tell you...quick...hahah)! I want ya'll to be apart of my every day life (since we don’t get a chance to always talk on a regular basis, and the fact that when I do/could call…I don’t b/c I have gotten were I hate talking on the phone after I’ve been working and talking to people all day…wears me out…just need a break and time to just LIVE life (not just retell it:). Who knows...maybe this could even be theraputic and fun. I think this is a wonderful, creative way that I can share with my family and friends that I love and cherish so much!

This 1st post isn’t very long…so…to make it long (hahha...had to...come's my 1st post)! It would NOT seem like me if I didn't make it ridiculously long and least for the 1st one! Oh and no worries...even if it's not wordy and long there will always be "ellipsis" and "(with inner thoughts or tagged on last min. tid-bits)" used grammatically incorrect. Though I do want to clarify that I am aware of my incorrect usage, and I am choosing to do so...not an idiot...actually love correct grammar...a quirky/dorky fact a/b me...really a pet-peeve of mine (had a great English teacher in high school...Dr. Andersen...drove me to become a little ocd w/ it) MOST cases, hah. Guess I just get annoyed when people make "stupid" mistakes (alot)...we all do...and no worries...I'm gracious (but I do like correct grammer over ALL and educated's important to be well-educated:) WOW that was a long tangent to get off on...sorry...all of that to be said the "()" and the "..." is so you'll feel like your talking to me:)

I also thought adding an old post that never made it to an actual post (getting confusing, right?!? Yes...that's the point)would add a little personality/uniqueness. I know...had to be different...your right (felt like it was a creative thought). The post below is what was originally going to be my 1st post a few months ago when I was considering picking up blogging again (prob. written last August...found it on my computer while typing this). I had already begun on my 1st entry so for your viewing pleasure (instead of just deleting it) and really just to announce that I’m joining the blogger world again here ya go...nothing too spectacular but a good distraction from whatever it is your trying to get distracted from:)

"Well, about 2 weeks ago Jenny and I were having a roommate bonding night which usually consists of dinner, talking for hours a/b life, and a lot of laughing! Oh, and of course, since I live with Jenny Rutherford…no night would be complete without a little something sweet…dessert! At some point we had gotten off the subject…you know one of the many loops…this time on the random/dorky subject of blogs. Jenny has really gotten into reading other people’s blogs while at work to help pass the time, and though I rarely have enough time to finish work and don’t get a chance to read blogs during work (due to the fact that Sunday always comes☺). I love to read them when I have the opportunity.

Whether it’s the fact that we have too much free time on our hands or maybe not enough time…and reading blogs are the perfect form of procrastination/escape from reality and the 50 million things that you need, could, should, or not to mention the things you want to do in your spare time, or is it that we are fascinated by other people’s lives ( not only that but in my case…love really getting to know people…really knowing them…knowing their hearts)! Whatever the case, blogs are intriguing to me. I don’t know- there is something special about reading someone’s thoughts and being able to relate (whether you know the person or not…laughing, crying, learning something new, or my favorite…when you’re challenged to be a better person just because of something you read)! All that to be said, talking about this subject matter and actually looking at some of Jenny’s favorite blogs, it hit me…I have a blog. It was something I started in college. I only wrote in it a few times (b/c typically that is not me to journal or blog- prob. b/c I’m detail-oriented and would rather tell you about something play by play rather than putting it into writing since it takes so much longer to write/type out. I would get frustrated and either not write or skip details which I felt made the story more intricate and heartfelt; henceforth, why I only wrote a handful of times)- I just wanted to try having one since so many friends had them. So…we started googling anything I could think of to find this old blog. I was sure it was long gone (either deleted by me a long time ago or lost somewhere out there in cyber-space b/c I had no recollection of the title and really no way of finding it), but to my surprise after racking my brain and googling enough words and phrases, we found it! The blog dated back to 2005. It was so fun to go back and read (very neat to see what was going on then, how things change, how I’ve grown, and just to laugh at myself. Some of the post were serious and some just humorous." That's it...don't think I finished it...kind of an abrupt ending, there ya go! I’ll try to figure out a way to post my old one in here…for those of you that are reallllllllllly bored at work!

Now that this is incredibly, out of control too long (if you're still reading reallllllllllllly do have no life, hahah...j/k...props...must be super bored or trying to take procrastination to a whole new level...either way...CONGRATULATIONS...I think you may have even beaten me! I commend you...seriously...proud of you...let me know who you are:)... So for the MAYBE one person that made it this far you will prob. be one of the only one's to actually know what's going on in my life...I really do have 2 more important things to say (most of this was fluff and I promise they normally won't be like this (i wouldn't last a week)...i'm even bored, haha...but I was curious if anyone would read this whole thing...hah...BUT...for real now;) 1st shout out to Mos for helping/basically setting up my new blog! Thank you- you are the BEST!!! LOVE YOU!

Ta-da!!! Enjoy!

ps. 2nd...this just came in...literally...Great dad's girlfriend Lynn just called (literally just got off the phone w/ her right before I was a/b to post this). She told me...okay...maybe I sort of tugged it out of her, Dad. It was just too easy and inviting when she said that they couldn't wait till dinner next Tue. to talk to me...b/c "they had some news to tell me:)
You guessed it! They are getting married!!!! So yay! Here's to Lynn and Dad! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! More to come after I get to talk to Dad...but I've been told to put July 11th down...did I mention heard in next month! Crazy! AND people wonder were I get my "let's just do it" motto from:) SO happy for ya'll! Love you both! Congrats!